Wednesday, July 17, 2013


How does the movie speak to you?

            This movie makes me realize what I’m passionate about. It reinforces me to not conform to what others think but listen to my inner voice. I think your heart already know what you want to be, yet we try to shut that voice up, and try to listen to others more than ourselves.

A bit more about passion?
I feel as if passion is derived from fun. Without having fun you wont like doing something. Passion is being exhausted and not consciously knowing you are exhausted because you are having fun. Curiosity can also ignite passion, making a person curious about what subject they like is good way for them to enjoy learning. Many students like going to school but the fact of the matter is that teachers are not directly connecting students to something they are passionate about. What curiosity does it makes the person absorb so much information in different ways. This type of learning is not passive; the person is actually making more connections thus.


  1. I agree that society keeps people from finding their own passions. In order to fit in with the social norm, everyone strives for the same goals, which leads to conformity. I applaud you for already knowing your passion. Keep having fun!

  2. I can relate to what you say about not conforming to what my family society want me to be what what I want to be and do the things I want to do. and passion comes from fun if you find a certain task fun it is more easy for you to be passionate about it.
